Split long TTS messages

Lonami 2020-05-22 09:44:32 +02:00
parent c7d81b26df
commit defca3cb25
1 changed files with 43 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,28 @@ from telethon import events, helpers, types
mimetypes.add_type('audio/mpeg', '.borg+tts')
def split_text(text, n=40):
words = text.split()
while len(words) > n:
comma = None
semicolon = None
for i in reversed(range(n)):
if words[i].endswith('.'):
yield ' '.join(words[:i + 1])
words = words[i + 1:]
elif not semicolon and words[i].endswith(';'):
semicolon = i + 1
elif not comma and words[i].endswith(','):
comma = i + 1
cut = semicolon or comma or n
yield ' '.join(words[:cut])
words = words[cut:]
if words:
yield ' '.join(words)
class Translator:
_TKK_RE = re.compile(r"tkk:'(\d+)\.(\d+)'", re.DOTALL)
_BASE_URL = 'https://translate.google.com'
@ -143,23 +165,28 @@ class Translator:
async with self._tkk_lock:
self._tkk = await self._fetch_tkk()
params = [
('ie', 'UTF-8'),
('q', text),
('tl', target or self._target),
('total', 1),
('idx', 0),
('textlen', len(helpers.add_surrogate(text))),
('tk', self._calc_token(text)),
('client', 'webapp'),
('prev', 'input'),
parts = list(split_text(text))
result = b''
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
params = [
('ie', 'UTF-8'),
('q', part),
('tl', target or self._target),
('total', len(parts)),
('idx', i),
('textlen', len(helpers.add_surrogate(part))),
('tk', self._calc_token(part)),
('client', 'webapp'),
('prev', 'input'),
async with self._session.get(self._TRANSLATE_TTS_URL, params=params) as resp:
if resp.status == 404:
raise ValueError('unknown target language')
return await resp.read()
async with self._session.get(self._TRANSLATE_TTS_URL, params=params) as resp:
if resp.status == 404:
raise ValueError('unknown target language')
result += await resp.read()
return result
async def close(self):
await self._session.close()