sed: only allow outgoing commands in groups

This plugin was originally intended for using in PM only.
Leaving it wide open in groups might create unwanted spam in case
another bot is present but not blacklisted. It may also violate "no
bots" policies in some groups.
By only allowing self to use the plugin in groups, we can still use its
features when no bot is present, while avoiding the above problems.
Dan Elkouby 2020-02-27 21:16:11 +00:00
parent 1988c5821d
commit bff5fd02dd
1 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -97,9 +97,11 @@ async def on_edit(event):
async def on_regex(event):
if event.fwd_from:
if not event.is_private and\
await group_has_sedbot(await event.get_input_chat()):
if not event.is_private:
if not event.out:
if await group_has_sedbot(await event.get_input_chat()):
chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(await event.get_input_chat())