
22 lines
682 B

mod geometry;
mod stream_algos;
use geometry::{Point, Rectangle};
fn main() {
let p = geometry::Point::new(2, 3);
let y = p;
dbg!(p + y);
let various = vec![
Rectangle::from_corner_width_height(Point::new(20, 110), 10, 10),
Rectangle::from_corner_width_height(Point::new(25, 115), 10, 10),
Rectangle::from_corner_width_height(Point::new(10, 100), 1000, 1000),
Rectangle::from_corner_width_height(Point::new(2010, 2100), 1, 1),
// Clone here so that we can continue to use the original if needed later.
let r: Vec<_> = stream_algos::translate(various.clone().drain(0..), Point::new(1, 2)).collect();