
128 lines
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/* jshint browser: true, devel: true */
* preg_replace (from PHP) in JavaScript!
* This is basically a pattern replace. You can use a regex pattern to search and
* another for the replace. For more information see the PHP docs on the original
* function (http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php), and for more on
* JavaScript flavour regex visit http://www.regular-expressions.info/javascript.html
* NOTE: Unlike the PHP version, this function only deals with string inputs. No arrays.
* @author William Duyck <fuzzyfox0@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ Mozilla Public License 2.0
* @param {String} pattern The pattern to search for.
* @param {String} replace The string to replace.
* @param {String} subject The string to search and replace.
* @param {Integer} limit The maximum possible replacements.
* @return {String} If matches are found, the new subject will be returned.
var preg_replace=function(a,b,c,d){void 0===d&&(d=-1);var e=a.substr(a.lastIndexOf(a[0])+1),f=a.substr(1,a.lastIndexOf(a[0])-1),g=RegExp(f,e),i=[],j=0,k=0,l=c,m=[];if(-1===d){do m=g.exec(c),null!==m&&i.push(m);while(null!==m&&-1!==e.indexOf("g"))}else i.push(g.exec(c));for(j=i.length-1;j>-1;j--){for(m=b,k=i[j].length;k>-1;k--)m=m.replace("${"+k+"}",i[j][k]).replace("$"+k,i[j][k]).replace("\\"+k,i[j][k]);l=l.replace(i[j][0],m)}return l};
* Basic Markdown Parser
* This function parses a small subset of the Markdown language as defined by
* [John Gruber](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown). It's very basic
* and needs to be refactored a little, and there are plans to add more support
* for the rest of the language in the near future.
* This implimentation is based loosely on
* [slimdown.php](https://gist.github.com/jbroadway/2836900) by Johnny Broadway.
* @version 0.1
* @author William Duyck <fuzzyfox0@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ Mozilla Public License 2.0
* @param {String} str A Markdown string to be converted to HTML.
* @return {String} The HTML for the given Markdown.
var markdown_parser = function(str){
var rules = [
// headers
['/(#+)(.*)/g', function(chars, header){
var level = chars.length;
return '<h'+level+'>'+header.trim()+'</h'+level+'>';
// images
['/\\!\\[([^\\[]+)\\]\\(([^\\(]+)\\)/g', '<img src=\"\\2\" alt=\"\\1\" />'],
// link
['/\\[([^\\[]+)\\]\\(([^\\(]+)\\)/g', '<a href=\"\\2\">\\1</a>'],
// bold
['/(\\*\\*|__)(.*?)\\1/g', '<strong>\\2</strong>'],
// emphasis
['/(\\*|_)(.*?)\\1/g', '<em>\\2</em>'],
// strike
['/(\\~\\~)(.*?)\\1/g', '<del>\\2</del>'],
// quote
['/\\:\\"(.*?)\\"\\:/g', '<q>\\1</q>'],
// unordered list
['/\\n\\*(.*)/g', function(item){
return '<ul>\n<li>'+item.trim()+'</li>\n</ul>';
// ordered list
['/\\n[0-9]+\\.(.*)/g', function(item){
return '<ol>\n<li>'+item.trim()+'</li>\n</ol>';
// blockquote
['/\\n\\>(.*)/g', function(str){
return '<blockquote>'+str.trim()+'</blockquote>';
// paragraphs
['/\\n[^\\n]+\\n/g', function(line){
line = line.trim();
if(line[0] === '<'){
return line;
return '\n<p>'+line+'</p>\n';
], fixes = [
['/<\\/ul>\n<ul>/g', '\n'],
['/<\\/ol>\n<ol>/g', '\n'],
['/<\\/blockquote>\n<blockquote>/g', "\n"]
var parse_line = function(str){
str = "\n" + str.trim() + "\n";
for(var i = 0, j = rules.length; i < j; i++){
if(typeof rules[i][1] == 'function') {
var _flag = rules[i][0].substr(rules[i][0].lastIndexOf(rules[i][0][0])+1),
_pattern = rules[i][0].substr(1, rules[i][0].lastIndexOf(rules[i][0][0])-1),
reg = new RegExp(_pattern, _flag);
var matches = reg.exec(str);
if(matches !== null){
if(matches.length > 1){
str = preg_replace(rules[i][0], rules[i][1](matches[1], matches[2]), str);
str = preg_replace(rules[i][0], rules[i][1](matches[0]), str);
else {
str = preg_replace(rules[i][0], rules[i][1], str);
return str.trim();
str = str.split('\n');
var rtn = [];
for(var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; i++){
rtn = rtn.join('\n');
for(i = 0, j = fixes.length; i < j; i++){
rtn = preg_replace(fixes[i][0], fixes[i][1], rtn);
return rtn;