
488 lines
16 KiB

#include "messageeventmodel.h"
#include <connection.h>
#include <settings.h>
#include <user.h>
#include <events/redactionevent.h>
#include <events/roomavatarevent.h>
#include <events/roommemberevent.h>
#include <events/simplestateevents.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType()
#include "utils.h"
QHash<int, QByteArray> MessageEventModel::roleNames() const {
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles = QAbstractItemModel::roleNames();
roles[EventTypeRole] = "eventType";
roles[MessageRole] = "message";
roles[EventIdRole] = "eventId";
roles[TimeRole] = "time";
roles[SectionRole] = "section";
roles[AuthorRole] = "author";
roles[ContentRole] = "content";
roles[ContentTypeRole] = "contentType";
roles[HighlightRole] = "highlight";
roles[ReadMarkerRole] = "readMarker";
roles[SpecialMarksRole] = "marks";
roles[LongOperationRole] = "progressInfo";
roles[AnnotationRole] = "annotation";
roles[EventResolvedTypeRole] = "eventResolvedType";
roles[ReplyEventIdRole] = "replyEventId";
roles[ReplyAuthorRole] = "replyAuthor";
roles[ReplyDisplayRole] = "replyDisplay";
roles[UserMarkerRole] = "userMarker";
roles[ShowAuthorRole] = "showAuthor";
roles[ShowSectionRole] = "showSection";
roles[BubbleShapeRole] = "bubbleShape";
return roles;
MessageEventModel::MessageEventModel(QObject* parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent), m_currentRoom(nullptr) {
using namespace QMatrixClient;
"Spectral", 0, 1, "EventStatus", "EventStatus is not an creatable type");
MessageEventModel::~MessageEventModel() {}
void MessageEventModel::setRoom(SpectralRoom* room) {
if (room == m_currentRoom)
if (m_currentRoom) {
m_currentRoom = room;
if (room) {
lastReadEventId = room->readMarkerEventId();
using namespace QMatrixClient;
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this,
[=](RoomEventsRange events) {
beginInsertRows({}, timelineBaseIndex(),
timelineBaseIndex() + int(events.size()) - 1);
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddHistoricalMessages, this,
[=](RoomEventsRange events) {
if (rowCount() > 0)
rowBelowInserted = rowCount() - 1; // See #312
beginInsertRows({}, rowCount(),
rowCount() + int(events.size()) - 1);
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::addedMessages, this,
[=](int lowest, int biggest) {
if (biggest < m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex()) {
auto rowBelowInserted = m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() -
biggest + timelineBaseIndex() - 1;
{ShowAuthorRole, BubbleShapeRole});
for (auto i = m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() - biggest;
i <= m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() - lowest; ++i)
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToAdd, this,
[this] { beginInsertRows({}, 0, 0); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAdded, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToMerge, this,
[this](RoomEvent*, int i) {
if (i == 0)
return; // No need to move anything, just refresh
movingEvent = true;
// Reverse i because row 0 is bottommost in the model
const auto row = timelineBaseIndex() - i - 1;
Q_ASSERT(beginMoveRows({}, row, row, {}, timelineBaseIndex()));
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventMerged, this, [this] {
if (movingEvent) {
movingEvent = false;
refreshRow(timelineBaseIndex()); // Refresh the looks
if (m_currentRoom->timelineSize() > 1) // Refresh above
refreshEventRoles(timelineBaseIndex() + 1, {ReadMarkerRole});
if (timelineBaseIndex() > 0) // Refresh below, see #312
refreshEventRoles(timelineBaseIndex() - 1,
{ShowAuthorRole, BubbleShapeRole});
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventChanged, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToDiscard, this,
[this](int i) { beginRemoveRows({}, i, i); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventDiscarded, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::readMarkerMoved, this, [this] {
std::exchange(lastReadEventId, m_currentRoom->readMarkerEventId()),
refreshEventRoles(lastReadEventId, {ReadMarkerRole});
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, this,
[this](const RoomEvent* newEvent) {
refreshLastUserEvents(refreshEvent(newEvent->id()) -
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferProgress, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferCompleted, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferFailed, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferCancelled, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::readMarkerForUserMoved, this,
[=](User*, QString fromEventId, QString toEventId) {
refreshEventRoles(fromEventId, {UserMarkerRole});
refreshEventRoles(toEventId, {UserMarkerRole});
connect(m_currentRoom->connection(), &Connection::ignoredUsersListChanged,
this, [=] {
qDebug() << "Connected to room" << room->id() << "as"
<< room->localUser()->id();
} else
int MessageEventModel::refreshEvent(const QString& eventId) {
return refreshEventRoles(eventId);
void MessageEventModel::refreshRow(int row) {
int MessageEventModel::timelineBaseIndex() const {
return m_currentRoom ? int(m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size()) : 0;
void MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(int row, const QVector<int>& roles) {
const auto idx = index(row);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx, roles);
int MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId,
const QVector<int>& roles) {
const auto it = m_currentRoom->findInTimeline(eventId);
if (it == m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) {
qWarning() << "Trying to refresh inexistent event:" << eventId;
return -1;
const auto row =
it - m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin() + timelineBaseIndex();
refreshEventRoles(row, roles);
return row;
inline bool hasValidTimestamp(const QMatrixClient::TimelineItem& ti) {
return ti->timestamp().isValid();
QDateTime MessageEventModel::makeMessageTimestamp(
const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const {
const auto& timeline = m_currentRoom->messageEvents();
auto ts = baseIt->event()->timestamp();
if (ts.isValid())
return ts;
// The event is most likely redacted or just invalid.
// Look for the nearest date around and slap zero time to it.
using QMatrixClient::TimelineItem;
auto rit = std::find_if(baseIt, timeline.rend(), hasValidTimestamp);
if (rit != timeline.rend())
return {rit->event()->timestamp().date(), {0, 0}, Qt::LocalTime};
auto it = std::find_if(baseIt.base(), timeline.end(), hasValidTimestamp);
if (it != timeline.end())
return {it->event()->timestamp().date(), {0, 0}, Qt::LocalTime};
// What kind of room is that?..
qCritical() << "No valid timestamps in the room timeline!";
return {};
QString MessageEventModel::renderDate(QDateTime timestamp) const {
auto date = timestamp.toLocalTime().date();
if (date == QDate::currentDate())
return tr("Today");
if (date == QDate::currentDate().addDays(-1))
return tr("Yesterday");
if (date == QDate::currentDate().addDays(-2))
return tr("The day before yesterday");
if (date > QDate::currentDate().addDays(-7))
return date.toString("dddd");
return date.toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate);
void MessageEventModel::refreshLastUserEvents(int baseTimelineRow) {
if (!m_currentRoom || m_currentRoom->timelineSize() <= baseTimelineRow)
const auto& timelineBottom = m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin();
const auto& lastSender = (*(timelineBottom + baseTimelineRow))->senderId();
const auto limit = timelineBottom + std::min(baseTimelineRow + 10,
for (auto it = timelineBottom + std::max(baseTimelineRow - 10, 0);
it != limit; ++it) {
if ((*it)->senderId() == lastSender) {
auto idx = index(it - timelineBottom);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
int MessageEventModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const {
if (!m_currentRoom || parent.isValid())
return 0;
return m_currentRoom->timelineSize();
QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const {
const auto row = idx.row();
if (!m_currentRoom || row < 0 ||
row >= int(m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size()) +
return {};
bool isPending = row < timelineBaseIndex();
const auto timelineIt = m_currentRoom->messageEvents().crbegin() +
std::max(0, row - timelineBaseIndex());
const auto pendingIt = m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().crbegin() +
std::min(row, timelineBaseIndex());
const auto& evt = isPending ? **pendingIt : **timelineIt;
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
return utils::removeReply(m_currentRoom->eventToString(evt, Qt::RichText));
if (role == MessageRole) {
return utils::removeReply(m_currentRoom->eventToString(evt));
if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) {
return evt.originalJson();
if (role == EventTypeRole) {
if (auto e = eventCast<const RoomMessageEvent>(&evt)) {
switch (e->msgtype()) {
case MessageEventType::Emote:
return "emote";
case MessageEventType::Notice:
return "notice";
case MessageEventType::Image:
return "image";
case MessageEventType::Audio:
return "audio";
case MessageEventType::Video:
return "video";
if (e->hasFileContent())
return "file";
return "message";
if (evt.isStateEvent())
return "state";
return "other";
if (role == EventResolvedTypeRole)
return EventTypeRegistry::getMatrixType(evt.type());
if (role == AuthorRole) {
// FIXME: It shouldn't be User, it should be its state "as of event"
return QVariant::fromValue(isPending ? m_currentRoom->localUser()
: m_currentRoom->user(evt.senderId()));
if (role == ContentTypeRole) {
if (auto e = eventCast<const RoomMessageEvent>(&evt)) {
const auto& contentType = e->mimeType().name();
return contentType == "text/plain" ? QStringLiteral("text/html")
: contentType;
return QStringLiteral("text/plain");
if (role == ContentRole) {
if (evt.isRedacted()) {
auto reason = evt.redactedBecause()->reason();
return (reason.isEmpty())
? tr("Redacted")
: tr("Redacted: %1").arg(evt.redactedBecause()->reason());
if (auto e = eventCast<const RoomMessageEvent>(&evt)) {
// Cannot use e.contentJson() here because some
// EventContent classes inject values into the copy of the
// content JSON stored in EventContent::Base
return e->hasFileContent()
? QVariant::fromValue(e->content()->originalJson)
: QVariant();
if (role == HighlightRole)
return m_currentRoom->isEventHighlighted(&evt);
if (role == ReadMarkerRole)
return evt.id() == lastReadEventId && row > timelineBaseIndex();
if (role == SpecialMarksRole) {
if (isPending)
return pendingIt->deliveryStatus();
if (is<RedactionEvent>(evt))
return EventStatus::Hidden;
if (evt.isRedacted())
return EventStatus::Hidden;
if (evt.isStateEvent() &&
static_cast<const StateEventBase&>(evt).repeatsState())
return EventStatus::Hidden;
if (m_currentRoom->connection()->isIgnored(
return EventStatus::Hidden;
return EventStatus::Normal;
if (role == EventIdRole)
return !evt.id().isEmpty() ? evt.id() : evt.transactionId();
if (role == LongOperationRole) {
if (auto e = eventCast<const RoomMessageEvent>(&evt))
if (e->hasFileContent())
return QVariant::fromValue(m_currentRoom->fileTransferInfo(e->id()));
if (role == AnnotationRole)
if (isPending)
return pendingIt->annotation();
if (role == TimeRole || role == SectionRole) {
auto ts =
isPending ? pendingIt->lastUpdated() : makeMessageTimestamp(timelineIt);
return role == TimeRole ? QVariant(ts) : renderDate(ts);
if (role == UserMarkerRole) {
QVariantList variantList;
for (User* user : m_currentRoom->usersAtEventId(evt.id())) {
if (user == m_currentRoom->localUser())
return variantList;
if (role == ReplyEventIdRole || role == ReplyDisplayRole ||
role == ReplyAuthorRole) {
const QString& replyEventId = evt.contentJson()["m.relates_to"]
if (replyEventId.isEmpty())
return {};
const auto replyIt = m_currentRoom->findInTimeline(replyEventId);
if (replyIt == m_currentRoom->timelineEdge())
return {};
const auto& replyEvt = **replyIt;
switch (role) {
case ReplyEventIdRole:
return replyEventId;
case ReplyDisplayRole:
return utils::removeReply(
m_currentRoom->eventToString(replyEvt, Qt::RichText));
case ReplyAuthorRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(m_currentRoom->user(replyEvt.senderId()));
return {};
if (role == ShowAuthorRole) {
for (auto r = row - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
auto i = index(r);
if (data(i, SpecialMarksRole) != EventStatus::Hidden) {
return data(i, AuthorRole) != data(idx, AuthorRole) ||
data(i, EventTypeRole) != data(idx, EventTypeRole) ||
data(idx, TimeRole)
.msecsTo(data(i, TimeRole).toDateTime()) > 600000;
return true;
if (role == ShowSectionRole) {
for (auto r = row + 1; r < rowCount(); ++r) {
auto i = index(r);
if (data(i, SpecialMarksRole) != EventStatus::Hidden) {
return data(i, TimeRole)
.msecsTo(data(idx, TimeRole).toDateTime()) > 600000;
return true;
if (role == BubbleShapeRole) { // TODO: Convoluted logic.
int aboveRow = -1; // Invalid
for (auto r = row + 1; r < rowCount(); ++r) {
auto i = index(r);
if (data(i, SpecialMarksRole) != EventStatus::Hidden) {
aboveRow = r;
bool aboveShow, belowShow;
if (aboveRow == -1) {
aboveShow = true;
} else {
aboveShow = data(index(aboveRow), ShowAuthorRole).toBool();
belowShow = data(idx, ShowAuthorRole).toBool();
if (aboveShow && belowShow)
return BubbleShapes::NoShape;
if (aboveShow && !belowShow)
return BubbleShapes::BeginShape;
if (belowShow)
return BubbleShapes::EndShape;
return BubbleShapes::MiddleShape;
return {};
int MessageEventModel::eventIDToIndex(const QString& eventID) {
const auto it = m_currentRoom->findInTimeline(eventID);
if (it == m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) {
qWarning() << "Trying to find inexistent event:" << eventID;
return -1;
return it - m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin() + timelineBaseIndex();