#include "messageeventmodel.h" #include #include #include // for qmlRegisterType() #include "connection.h" #include "user.h" #include "settings.h" #include "events/roommemberevent.h" #include "events/simplestateevents.h" #include "events/redactionevent.h" enum EventRoles { EventTypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, EventIdRole, TimeRole, SectionRole, AboveSectionRole, AuthorRole, ContentRole, ContentTypeRole, HighlightRole, ReadMarkerRole, SpecialMarksRole, LongOperationRole, }; QHash MessageEventModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles = QAbstractItemModel::roleNames(); roles[EventTypeRole] = "eventType"; roles[EventIdRole] = "eventId"; roles[TimeRole] = "time"; roles[SectionRole] = "section"; roles[AboveSectionRole] = "aboveSection"; roles[AuthorRole] = "author"; roles[ContentRole] = "content"; roles[ContentTypeRole] = "contentType"; roles[HighlightRole] = "highlight"; roles[ReadMarkerRole] = "readMarker"; roles[SpecialMarksRole] = "marks"; roles[LongOperationRole] = "progressInfo"; return roles; } MessageEventModel::MessageEventModel(QObject* parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) , m_currentRoom(nullptr) { qmlRegisterType(); qRegisterMetaType(); } void MessageEventModel::changeRoom(QuaternionRoom* room) { if (room == m_currentRoom) return; beginResetModel(); if( m_currentRoom ) { m_currentRoom->disconnect( this ); qDebug() << "Disconnected from" << m_currentRoom->id(); } m_currentRoom = room; if( room ) { using namespace QMatrixClient; connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this, [=](RoomEventsRange events) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, int(events.size()) - 1); }); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddHistoricalMessages, this, [=](RoomEventsRange events) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount() + int(events.size()) - 1); }); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::addedMessages, this, &MessageEventModel::endInsertRows); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::readMarkerMoved, this, [this] { refreshEventRoles( std::exchange(lastReadEventId, m_currentRoom->readMarkerEventId()), {ReadMarkerRole}); refreshEventRoles(lastReadEventId, {ReadMarkerRole}); }); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, this, [this] (const RoomEvent* newEvent) { refreshEvent(newEvent->id()); }); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferProgress, this, &MessageEventModel::refreshEvent); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferCompleted, this, &MessageEventModel::refreshEvent); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferFailed, this, &MessageEventModel::refreshEvent); connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferCancelled, this, &MessageEventModel::refreshEvent); qDebug() << "Connected to room" << room->id() << "as" << room->localUser()->id(); } lastReadEventId = room ? room->readMarkerEventId() : ""; endResetModel(); } void MessageEventModel::refreshEvent(const QString& eventId) { refreshEventRoles(eventId, {}); } void MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId, const QVector roles) { const auto it = m_currentRoom->findInTimeline(eventId); if (it != m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) { const auto row = it - m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin(); emit dataChanged(index(row), index(row), roles); } } inline bool hasValidTimestamp(const QMatrixClient::TimelineItem& ti) { return ti->timestamp().isValid(); } QDateTime MessageEventModel::makeMessageTimestamp(QuaternionRoom::rev_iter_t baseIt) const { const auto& timeline = m_currentRoom->messageEvents(); auto ts = baseIt->event()->timestamp(); if (ts.isValid()) return ts; // The event is most likely redacted or just invalid. // Look for the nearest date around and slap zero time to it. using QMatrixClient::TimelineItem; auto rit = std::find_if(baseIt, timeline.rend(), hasValidTimestamp); if (rit != timeline.rend()) return { rit->event()->timestamp().date(), {0,0}, Qt::LocalTime }; auto it = std::find_if(baseIt.base(), timeline.end(), hasValidTimestamp); if (it != timeline.end()) return { it->event()->timestamp().date(), {0,0}, Qt::LocalTime }; // What kind of room is that?.. qCritical() << "No valid timestamps in the room timeline!"; return {}; } QString MessageEventModel::makeDateString(QuaternionRoom::rev_iter_t baseIt) const { auto date = makeMessageTimestamp(baseIt).toLocalTime().date(); if (QMatrixClient::SettingsGroup("UI") .value("banner_human_friendly_date", true).toBool()) { if (date == QDate::currentDate()) return tr("Today"); if (date == QDate::currentDate().addDays(-1)) return tr("Yesterday"); if (date == QDate::currentDate().addDays(-2)) return tr("The day before yesterday"); if (date > QDate::currentDate().addDays(-7)) return date.toString("dddd"); } return date.toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate); } int MessageEventModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { if( !m_currentRoom || parent.isValid() ) return 0; return m_currentRoom->timelineSize(); } QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if( !m_currentRoom || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_currentRoom->timelineSize()) return QVariant(); const auto eventIt = m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin() + index.row(); auto* event = eventIt->event(); // FIXME: Rewind to the name that was right before this event QString senderName = m_currentRoom->roomMembername(event->senderId()); using namespace QMatrixClient; if( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) { if (event->isRedacted()) { auto reason = event->redactedBecause()->reason(); if (reason.isEmpty()) return tr("Redacted"); else return tr("Redacted: %1") .arg(event->redactedBecause()->reason()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomMessage ) { using namespace MessageEventContent; auto* e = static_cast(event); if (e->hasTextContent() && e->mimeType().name() != "text/plain") return static_cast(e->content())->body; if (e->hasFileContent()) { auto fileCaption = e->content()->fileInfo()->originalName; if (fileCaption.isEmpty()) fileCaption = m_currentRoom->prettyPrint(e->plainBody()); if (fileCaption.isEmpty()) return tr("a file"); } return m_currentRoom->prettyPrint(e->plainBody()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomMember ) { auto* e = static_cast(event); // FIXME: Rewind to the name that was at the time of this event QString subjectName = m_currentRoom->roomMembername(e->userId()); // The below code assumes senderName output in AuthorRole switch( e->membership() ) { case MembershipType::Invite: if (e->repeatsState()) return tr("reinvited %1 to the room").arg(subjectName); // [[fallthrough]] case MembershipType::Join: { if (e->repeatsState()) return tr("joined the room (repeated)"); if (!e->prev_content() || e->membership() != e->prev_content()->membership) { return e->membership() == MembershipType::Invite ? tr("invited %1 to the room").arg(subjectName) : tr("joined the room"); } QString text {}; if (e->displayName() != e->prev_content()->displayName) { if (e->displayName().isEmpty()) text = tr("cleared the display name"); else text = tr("changed the display name to %1") .arg(e->displayName()); } if (e->avatarUrl() != e->prev_content()->avatarUrl) { if (!text.isEmpty()) text += " and "; if (e->avatarUrl().isEmpty()) text += tr("cleared the avatar"); else text += tr("updated the avatar"); } return text; } case MembershipType::Leave: if (e->prev_content() && e->prev_content()->membership == MembershipType::Ban) { if (e->senderId() != e->userId()) return tr("unbanned %1").arg(subjectName); else return tr("self-unbanned"); } if (e->senderId() != e->userId()) return tr("has put %1 out of the room").arg(subjectName); else return tr("left the room"); case MembershipType::Ban: if (e->senderId() != e->userId()) return tr("banned %1 from the room").arg(subjectName); else return tr("self-banned from the room"); case MembershipType::Knock: return tr("knocked"); case MembershipType::Undefined: return tr("made something unknown"); } } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomAliases ) { auto* e = static_cast(event); return tr("set aliases to: %1").arg(e->aliases().join(", ")); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomCanonicalAlias ) { auto* e = static_cast(event); return tr("set the room main alias to: %1").arg(e->alias()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomName ) { auto* e = static_cast(event); return tr("set the room name to: %1").arg(e->name()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomTopic ) { auto* e = static_cast(event); return tr("set the topic to: %1").arg(e->topic()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomAvatar ) { return tr("changed the room avatar"); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomEncryption ) { return tr("activated End-to-End Encryption"); } return tr("Unknown Event"); } if( role == Qt::ToolTipRole ) { return event->originalJson(); } if( role == EventTypeRole ) { if (event->isStateEvent()) return "state"; if (event->type() == EventType::RoomMessage) { switch (static_cast(event)->msgtype()) { case MessageEventType::Emote: return "emote"; case MessageEventType::Notice: return "notice"; case MessageEventType::Image: return "image"; case MessageEventType::File: case MessageEventType::Audio: case MessageEventType::Video: return "file"; default: return "message"; } } return "other"; } if( role == TimeRole ) return makeMessageTimestamp(eventIt); if( role == SectionRole ) return makeDateString(eventIt); // FIXME: move date rendering to QML if( role == AboveSectionRole ) // FIXME: shouldn't be here, because #312 { auto aboveEventIt = eventIt + 1; if (aboveEventIt != m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) return makeDateString(aboveEventIt); } if( role == AuthorRole ) { auto userId = event->senderId(); // FIXME: This will go away after senderName is generated correctly // (see the FIXME in the beginning of the method). // if (event->type() == EventType::RoomMember) // { // const auto* e = static_cast(event); // if (e->senderId() == e->userId() /*???*/ && e->prev_content() // && !e->prev_content()->displayName.isEmpty()) // userId = e->prevSenderId(); // } return QVariant::fromValue(m_currentRoom->connection()->user(userId)); } if (role == ContentTypeRole) { if (event->type() == EventType::RoomMessage) { const auto& contentType = static_cast(event)->mimeType().name(); return contentType == "text/plain" ? "text/html" : contentType; } return "text/plain"; } if (role == ContentRole) { if (event->isRedacted()) { auto reason = event->redactedBecause()->reason(); if (reason.isEmpty()) return tr("Redacted"); else return tr("Redacted: %1") .arg(event->redactedBecause()->reason()); } if( event->type() == EventType::RoomMessage ) { using namespace MessageEventContent; auto* e = static_cast(event); switch (e->msgtype()) { case MessageEventType::Image: case MessageEventType::File: case MessageEventType::Audio: case MessageEventType::Video: return QVariant::fromValue(e->content()->originalJson); default: ; } } } if( role == HighlightRole ) return m_currentRoom->isEventHighlighted(event); if( role == ReadMarkerRole ) return event->id() == lastReadEventId; if( role == SpecialMarksRole ) { if (event->isStateEvent() && static_cast(event)->repeatsState()) return "hidden"; return event->isRedacted() ? "redacted" : ""; } if( role == EventIdRole ) return event->id(); if( role == LongOperationRole ) { if (event->type() == EventType::RoomMessage && static_cast(event)->hasFileContent()) { auto info = m_currentRoom->fileTransferInfo(event->id()); return QVariant::fromValue(info); } } return QVariant(); }