Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'

Merge Dev -> Master

Closes #14

See merge request b0/matrique!11
This commit is contained in:
Black Hat 2018-08-06 16:33:59 +00:00
commit bca88c17b5
10 changed files with 265 additions and 141 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 98751495f1990dccf285e3b4739f86de7b7f68fd
Subproject commit c8dc0c075497ca8f174b738ee4253ca282cbec8c

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ Page {
Layout.maximumWidth: 360
listModel: roomListModel
onEnterRoom: roomForm.currentRoom = currentRoom
RoomForm {
@ -38,8 +40,6 @@ Page {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
currentRoom: roomListForm.currentRoom

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
import Matrique 0.1
Item {
id: messageDelegate
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ Item {
readonly property bool isMessage: eventType === "message" || eventType === "notice"
readonly property bool isFile: eventType === "video" || eventType === "audio" || eventType === "file" || eventType === "image"
visible: eventType != "redaction"
visible: marks !== EventStatus.Hidden
z: -5
width: delegateLoader.width

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import "qrc:/js/md.js" as Markdown
Item {
id: item
property var currentRoom
property var currentRoom: null
Pane {
anchors.fill: parent
@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ Item {
text = text.substr(PREFIX_RAINBOW.length)
var parsedText = ""
var rainbowColor = ["#ee0000", "#ff7700", "#eeee00", "#00bb00", "#0000ee", "#dd00dd", "#880088"]
var rainbowColor = ["#ff2b00", "#ff5500", "#ff8000", "#ffaa00", "#ffd500", "#ffff00", "#d4ff00", "#aaff00", "#80ff00", "#55ff00", "#2bff00", "#00ff00", "#00ff2b", "#00ff55", "#00ff80", "#00ffaa", "#00ffd5", "#00ffff", "#00d4ff", "#00aaff", "#007fff", "#0055ff", "#002bff", "#0000ff", "#2a00ff", "#5500ff", "#7f00ff", "#aa00ff", "#d400ff", "#ff00ff", "#ff00d4", "#ff00aa", "#ff0080", "#ff0055", "#ff002b", "#ff0000"]
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
parsedText = parsedText + "<font color='" + rainbowColor[i % 7] + "'>" + text.charAt(i) + "</font>"
parsedText = parsedText + "<font color='" + rainbowColor[i % rainbowColor.length] + "'>" + text.charAt(i) + "</font>"
currentRoom.postHtmlMessage(text, parsedText, RoomMessageEvent.Text)

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Item {
readonly property int currentIndex: roomListProxyModel.mapToSource(listView.currentIndex)
readonly property var currentRoom: currentIndex != -1 ? listModel.roomAt(currentIndex) : null
readonly property bool mini: setting.miniMode // Used as an indicator of whether the listform should be displayed as "Mini mode".
signal enterRoom()
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
@ -137,11 +138,19 @@ Item {
width: parent.width
height: 80
onPressed: listView.currentIndex = index
onClicked: enterRoom()
onPressAndHold: menuComponent.createObject(this)
ToolTip.visible: mini && hovered
ToolTip.text: name
Rectangle {
width: 4
height: parent.height
color: Qt.tint(Material.accent, "#20FFFFFF")
visible: unreadCount > 0
contentItem: RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 16
@ -201,6 +210,10 @@ Item {
onTriggered: currentRoom.isLowPriority ? currentRoom.removeTag("m.lowpriority") : currentRoom.addTag("m.lowpriority", "1")
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read"
onTriggered: currentRoom.markAllMessagesAsRead()
MenuItem {
text: "Leave Room"
onTriggered: matriqueController.forgetRoom(

View File

@ -91,27 +91,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Dialog {
property alias text: errorLabel.text
id: errorDialog
width: 360
modal: true
title: "ERROR"
x: (window.width - width) / 2
y: (window.height - height) / 2
standardButtons: Dialog.Ok
Label {
id: errorLabel
width: parent.width
text: "Label"
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Component {
id: loginPage

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include "messageeventmodel.h"
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QSettings>
#include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType()
#include <connection.h>
@ -24,22 +23,27 @@ QHash<int, QByteArray> MessageEventModel::roleNames() const {
roles[AboveAuthorRole] = "aboveAuthor";
roles[ContentRole] = "content";
roles[ContentTypeRole] = "contentType";
roles[HighlightRole] = "highlight";
roles[ReadMarkerRole] = "readMarker";
roles[SpecialMarksRole] = "marks";
roles[LongOperationRole] = "progressInfo";
roles[AnnotationRole] = "annotation";
roles[EventResolvedTypeRole] = "eventResolvedType";
roles[PlainTextRole] = "plainText";
return roles;
MessageEventModel::~MessageEventModel() {}
MessageEventModel::MessageEventModel(QObject* parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent), m_currentRoom(nullptr) {
using namespace QMatrixClient;
"Matrique", 0, 1, "EventStatus", "EventStatus is not an creatable type");
MessageEventModel::~MessageEventModel() {}
void MessageEventModel::setRoom(QMatrixClient::Room* room) {
if (room == m_currentRoom) return;
@ -52,58 +56,76 @@ void MessageEventModel::setRoom(QMatrixClient::Room* room) {
m_currentRoom = room;
if (room) {
lastReadEventId = room->readMarkerEventId();
using namespace QMatrixClient;
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this,
[=](RoomEventsRange events) {
const auto pos = m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size();
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), int(pos),
int(pos + events.size() - 1));
beginInsertRows({}, timelineBaseIndex(),
timelineBaseIndex() + int(events.size()) - 1);
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::aboutToAddHistoricalMessages, this,
[=](RoomEventsRange events) {
if (rowCount() > 0) nextNewerRow = rowCount() - 1; // See #312
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(),
if (rowCount() > 0)
rowBelowInserted = rowCount() - 1; // See #312
beginInsertRows({}, rowCount(),
rowCount() + int(events.size()) - 1);
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::addedMessages, this, [=] {
if (nextNewerRow > -1) {
const auto idx = index(nextNewerRow);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
nextNewerRow = -1;
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::addedMessages, this,
[=](int lowest, int biggest) {
if (biggest < m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex()) {
auto rowBelowInserted = m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() -
biggest + timelineBaseIndex() - 1;
{AboveAuthorRole, AboveSectionRole});
for (auto i = m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() - biggest;
i <= m_currentRoom->maxTimelineIndex() - lowest; ++i)
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToAdd, this,
[this] { beginInsertRows({}, 0, 0); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAdded, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToMerge, this,
[this](RoomEvent*, int i) {
const auto timelineBaseIdx =
if (i + 1 == timelineBaseIdx) return; // No need to move anything
mergingEcho = true;
Q_ASSERT(beginMoveRows({}, i, i, {}, timelineBaseIdx));
if (i == 0) return; // No need to move anything, just refresh
movingEvent = true;
// Reverse i because row 0 is bottommost in the model
const auto row = timelineBaseIndex() - i - 1;
Q_ASSERT(beginMoveRows({}, row, row, {}, timelineBaseIndex()));
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventMerged, this, [this] {
if (mergingEcho) {
if (movingEvent) {
mergingEcho = false;
movingEvent = false;
refreshRow(timelineBaseIndex()); // Refresh the looks
if (m_currentRoom->timelineSize() > 1) // Refresh above
refreshEventRoles(timelineBaseIndex() + 1, {ReadMarkerRole});
if (timelineBaseIndex() > 0) // Refresh below, see #312
refreshEventRoles(timelineBaseIndex() - 1,
{AboveAuthorRole, AboveSectionRole});
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventChanged, this,
[this](int i) { refreshEventRoles(i, {SpecialMarksRole}); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventAboutToDiscard, this,
[this](int i) { beginRemoveRows({}, i, i); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::pendingEventDiscarded, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::readMarkerMoved, this, [this] {
std::exchange(lastReadEventId, m_currentRoom->readMarkerEventId()),
refreshEventRoles(lastReadEventId, {ReadMarkerRole});
m_currentRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, this,
[this](const RoomEvent* newEvent) { refreshEvent(newEvent->id()); });
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::replacedEvent, this,
[this](const RoomEvent* newEvent) {
refreshLastUserEvents(refreshEvent(newEvent->id()) -
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferProgress, this,
connect(m_currentRoom, &Room::fileTransferCompleted, this,
@ -119,21 +141,32 @@ void MessageEventModel::setRoom(QMatrixClient::Room* room) {
void MessageEventModel::refreshEvent(const QString& eventId) {
refreshEventRoles(eventId, {});
int MessageEventModel::refreshEvent(const QString& eventId) {
return refreshEventRoles(eventId);
void MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(const int row,
const QVector<int>& roles) {
void MessageEventModel::refreshRow(int row) { refreshEventRoles(row); }
int MessageEventModel::timelineBaseIndex() const {
return m_currentRoom ? int(m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size()) : 0;
void MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(int row, const QVector<int>& roles) {
const auto idx = index(row);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx, roles);
void MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId,
const QVector<int>& roles) {
int MessageEventModel::refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId,
const QVector<int>& roles) {
const auto it = m_currentRoom->findInTimeline(eventId);
if (it != m_currentRoom->timelineEdge())
refreshEventRoles(it - m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin(), roles);
if (it == m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) {
qWarning() << "Trying to refresh inexistent event:" << eventId;
return -1;
const auto row =
it - m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin() + timelineBaseIndex();
refreshEventRoles(row, roles);
return row;
inline bool hasValidTimestamp(const QMatrixClient::TimelineItem& ti) {
@ -161,9 +194,8 @@ QDateTime MessageEventModel::makeMessageTimestamp(
return {};
QString MessageEventModel::makeDateString(
const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const {
auto date = makeMessageTimestamp(baseIt).toLocalTime().date();
QString MessageEventModel::renderDate(QDateTime timestamp) const {
auto date = timestamp.toLocalTime().date();
if (QMatrixClient::SettingsGroup("UI")
.value("banner_human_friendly_date", true)
.toBool()) {
@ -176,25 +208,101 @@ QString MessageEventModel::makeDateString(
return date.toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate);
bool MessageEventModel::isUserActivityNotable(
const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const {
const auto& senderId = (*baseIt)->senderId();
// TODO: Go up and down the timeline (limit to 100 events for
// the sake of performance) and collect all messages of
// this author; find out if there's anything besides joins, leaves
// and redactions; if not, double-check whether the current event is
// a part of a re-join without following redactions.
using namespace QMatrixClient;
bool joinFound = false, redactionsFound = false;
// Find the nearest join of this user above, or a no-nonsense event.
for (auto it = baseIt,
limit = baseIt +
std::min(int(m_currentRoom->timelineEdge() - baseIt), 100);
it != limit; ++it) {
const auto& e = **it;
if (e.senderId() != senderId) continue;
if (e.isRedacted()) {
redactionsFound = true;
if (auto* me = it->viewAs<QMatrixClient::RoomMemberEvent>()) {
if (me->isJoin()) {
joinFound = true;
return true; // Consider all other events notable
// Find the nearest leave of this user below, or a no-nonsense event
bool leaveFound = false;
for (auto it = baseIt.base() - 1,
limit = baseIt.base() +
std::min(int(m_currentRoom->messageEvents().end() -
it != limit; ++it) {
const auto& e = **it;
if (e.senderId() != senderId) continue;
if (e.isRedacted()) {
redactionsFound = true;
if (auto* me = it->viewAs<RoomMemberEvent>()) {
if (me->isLeave() || me->membership() == MembershipType::Ban) {
leaveFound = true;
return true;
// If we are here, it means that no notable events have been found in
// the timeline vicinity, and probably redactions are there. Doesn't look
// notable but let's give some benefit of doubt.
if (redactionsFound) return false; // Join + redactions or redactions + leave
return !(joinFound && leaveFound); // Join + (maybe profile changes) + leave
void MessageEventModel::refreshLastUserEvents(int baseTimelineRow) {
if (!m_currentRoom || m_currentRoom->timelineSize() <= baseTimelineRow)
const auto& timelineBottom = m_currentRoom->messageEvents().rbegin();
const auto& lastSender = (*(timelineBottom + baseTimelineRow))->senderId();
const auto limit = timelineBottom + std::min(baseTimelineRow + 100,
for (auto it = timelineBottom + std::max(baseTimelineRow - 100, 0);
it != limit; ++it) {
if ((*it)->senderId() == lastSender) {
auto idx = index(it - timelineBottom);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
int MessageEventModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const {
if (!m_currentRoom || parent.isValid()) return 0;
return m_currentRoom->timelineSize();
QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
const auto row = index.row();
QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const {
const auto row = idx.row();
if (!m_currentRoom || row < 0 ||
row >= int(m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size()) +
return {};
const auto timelineBaseIdx = int(m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().size());
bool isPending = row < timelineBaseIndex();
const auto timelineIt = m_currentRoom->messageEvents().crbegin() +
std::max(-1, row - timelineBaseIdx);
const auto& evt = row < timelineBaseIdx
? *m_currentRoom->pendingEvents()[size_t(row)]
: *timelineIt->event();
std::max(0, row - timelineBaseIndex());
const auto pendingIt = m_currentRoom->pendingEvents().crbegin() +
std::min(row, timelineBaseIndex());
const auto& evt = isPending ? **pendingIt : **timelineIt;
using namespace QMatrixClient;
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
@ -238,14 +346,14 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
: tr("joined the room");
QString text{};
if (e.displayName() != e.prevContent()->displayName) {
if (e.isRename()) {
if (e.displayName().isEmpty())
text = tr("cleared the display name");
text =
tr("changed the display name to %1").arg(e.displayName());
if (e.avatarUrl() != e.prevContent()->avatarUrl) {
if (e.isAvatarUpdate()) {
if (!text.isEmpty()) text += " and ";
if (e.avatarUrl().isEmpty())
text += tr("cleared the avatar");
@ -314,8 +422,7 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
if (e.hasFileContent()) {
auto fileCaption = e.content()->fileInfo()->originalName;
if (fileCaption.isEmpty())
fileCaption = e.plainBody();
if (fileCaption.isEmpty()) fileCaption = e.plainBody();
if (fileCaption.isEmpty()) return tr("a file");
return e.plainBody();
@ -412,15 +519,10 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
return "notice";
case MessageEventType::Image:
return "image";
case MessageEventType::File:
case MessageEventType::Audio:
case MessageEventType::Video:
return "file";
return "message";
return e->hasFileContent() ? "file" : "message";
if (is<RedactionEvent>(evt)) return "redaction";
if (evt.isStateEvent()) return "state";
return "other";
@ -431,9 +533,8 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
if (role == AuthorRole) {
// FIXME: It shouldn't be User, it should be its state "as of event"
return QVariant::fromValue(row < timelineBaseIdx
? m_currentRoom->localUser()
: m_currentRoom->user(evt.senderId()));
return QVariant::fromValue(isPending ? m_currentRoom->localUser()
: m_currentRoom->user(evt.senderId()));
if (role == ContentTypeRole) {
@ -466,16 +567,39 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
if (role == ReadMarkerRole) return == lastReadEventId;
if (role == SpecialMarksRole) {
if (row < timelineBaseIdx)
return ? "unsent" : "unsynced";
if (isPending) return pendingIt->deliveryStatus();
if (is<RedactionEvent>(evt)) return EventStatus::Hidden;
auto* memberEvent = timelineIt->viewAs<RoomMemberEvent>();
if (memberEvent) {
if ((memberEvent->isJoin() || memberEvent->isLeave()) &&
!Settings().value("UI/show_joinleave", true).toBool())
return EventStatus::Hidden;
if (memberEvent || evt.isRedacted()) {
if (evt.senderId() == m_currentRoom->localUser()->id() ||
Settings().value("UI/show_spammy").toBool()) {
// QElapsedTimer et; et.start();
auto hide = !isUserActivityNotable(timelineIt);
// qDebug() << "Checked user activity for" << <<
// "in" << et;
if (hide) return EventStatus::Hidden;
if (evt.isRedacted())
return Settings().value("UI/show_redacted").toBool()
? EventStatus::Redacted : EventStatus::Hidden;
if (evt.isStateEvent() &&
static_cast<const StateEventBase&>(evt).repeatsState())
return "noop";
return evt.isRedacted() ? "redacted" : "";
static_cast<const StateEventBase&>(evt).repeatsState() &&
return EventStatus::Hidden;
return EventStatus::Normal;
if (role == EventIdRole) return;
if (role == EventIdRole)
return ! ? : evt.transactionId();
if (role == LongOperationRole) {
if (auto e = eventCast<const RoomMessageEvent>(&evt))
@ -483,30 +607,24 @@ QVariant MessageEventModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
return QVariant::fromValue(m_currentRoom->fileTransferInfo(e->id()));
if (row >= timelineBaseIdx - 1) // The timeline and the topmost unsynced
if (role == TimeRole)
return row < timelineBaseIdx ? QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()
: makeMessageTimestamp(timelineIt);
if (role == AnnotationRole)
if (isPending) return pendingIt->annotation();
if (role == SectionRole)
return row < timelineBaseIdx
? tr("Today")
: makeDateString(
timelineIt); // FIXME: move date rendering to QML
// FIXME: shouldn't be here, because #312
auto aboveEventIt = timelineIt + 1;
if (aboveEventIt != m_currentRoom->timelineEdge()) {
if (role == AboveSectionRole) return makeDateString(aboveEventIt);
if (role == AboveAuthorRole)
return QVariant::fromValue(
if (role == AboveTimeRole) return makeMessageTimestamp(aboveEventIt);
if (role == TimeRole || role == SectionRole) {
auto ts =
isPending ? pendingIt->lastUpdated() : makeMessageTimestamp(timelineIt);
return role == TimeRole ? QVariant(ts) : renderDate(ts);
return QVariant();
if (role == AboveSectionRole || role == AboveAuthorRole ||
role == AboveTimeRole)
for (auto r = row + 1; r < rowCount(); ++r) {
auto i = index(r);
if (data(i, SpecialMarksRole) != EventStatus::Hidden)
return data(i, role == AboveSectionRole
? SectionRole
: role == AboveAuthorRole ? AuthorRole : TimeRole);
return {};

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class MessageEventModel : public QAbstractListModel {
// For debugging
@ -36,25 +37,31 @@ class MessageEventModel : public QAbstractListModel {
QMatrixClient::Room* getRoom() { return m_currentRoom; }
void setRoom(QMatrixClient::Room* room);
Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount(
const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const override;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;
private slots:
void refreshEvent(const QString& eventId);
int refreshEvent(const QString& eventId);
void refreshRow(int row);
QMatrixClient::Room* m_currentRoom = nullptr;
QString lastReadEventId;
bool mergingEcho = 0;
int nextNewerRow = -1;
int rowBelowInserted = -1;
bool movingEvent = 0;
int timelineBaseIndex() const;
QDateTime makeMessageTimestamp(
const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const;
QString makeDateString(const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const;
void refreshEventRoles(const int row, const QVector<int>& roles);
void refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId, const QVector<int>& roles);
QString renderDate(QDateTime timestamp) const;
bool isUserActivityNotable(
const QMatrixClient::Room::rev_iter_t& baseIt) const;
void refreshLastUserEvents(int baseRow);
void refreshEventRoles(int row, const QVector<int>& roles = {});
int refreshEventRoles(const QString& eventId, const QVector<int>& roles = {});
void roomChanged();

View File

@ -60,19 +60,20 @@ void RoomListModel::connectRoomSignals(Room* room) {
connect(room, &Room::avatarChanged, this,
[=] { refresh(room, {AvatarRole}); });
connect(room, &Room::unreadMessagesChanged, this, [=](Room* r) {
if (r->hasUnreadMessages()) emit newMessage(r);
// connect(
// room, &QMatrixClient::Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this,
// [=](QMatrixClient::RoomEventsRange eventsRange) {
// for (QMatrixClient::RoomEvents events : eventsRange.const_iterator) {
// for (QMatrixClient::RoomEvent event : events) {
// qDebug() << event.fullJson();
// }
// }
// emit newMessage(room);
// });
connect(room, &Room::unreadMessagesChanged, this, [=](Room* r) {
if (r->hasUnreadMessages()) emit newMessage(r);
// connect(
// room, &QMatrixClient::Room::aboutToAddNewMessages, this,
// [=](QMatrixClient::RoomEventsRange eventsRange) {
// for (QMatrixClient::RoomEvents events : eventsRange.const_iterator)
// {
// for (QMatrixClient::RoomEvent event : events) {
// qDebug() << event.fullJson();
// }
// }
// emit newMessage(room);
// });
void RoomListModel::updateRoom(Room* room, Room* prev) {
@ -159,6 +160,9 @@ QVariant RoomListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
if (room->highlightCount() > 0) return QBrush(QColor("orange"));
return QVariant();
if (role == UnreadCountRole) {
return room->unreadCount();
return QVariant();
@ -189,5 +193,6 @@ QHash<int, QByteArray> RoomListModel::roleNames() const {
roles[TopicRole] = "topic";
roles[CategoryRole] = "category";
roles[HighlightRole] = "highlight";
roles[UnreadCountRole] = "unreadCount";
return roles;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class RoomListModel : public QAbstractListModel {
RoomListModel(QObject* parent = 0);