321 lines
9.0 KiB
321 lines
9.0 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "chunk.h"
#include "scanners.h"
bufsize_t _scan_at(bufsize_t (*scanner)(const unsigned char *), cmark_chunk *c, bufsize_t offset)
bufsize_t res;
unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)c->data;
if (ptr == NULL || offset > c->len) {
return 0;
} else {
unsigned char lim = ptr[c->len];
ptr[c->len] = '\0';
res = scanner(ptr + offset);
ptr[c->len] = lim;
return res;
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "unsigned char";
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = p;
re2c:define:YYMARKER = marker;
re2c:define:YYCTXMARKER = marker;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
wordchar = [^\x00-\x20];
spacechar = [ \t\v\f\r\n];
reg_char = [^\\()\x00-\x20];
escaped_char = [\\][!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~-];
tagname = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*;
blocktagname = 'address'|'article'|'aside'|'base'|'basefont'|'blockquote'|'body'|'caption'|'center'|'col'|'colgroup'|'dd'|'details'|'dialog'|'dir'|'div'|'dl'|'dt'|'fieldset'|'figcaption'|'figure'|'footer'|'form'|'frame'|'frameset'|'h1'|'h2'|'h3'|'h4'|'h5'|'h6'|'head'|'header'|'hr'|'html'|'iframe'|'legend'|'li'|'link'|'main'|'menu'|'menuitem'|'nav'|'noframes'|'ol'|'optgroup'|'option'|'p'|'param'|'section'|'source'|'title'|'summary'|'table'|'tbody'|'td'|'tfoot'|'th'|'thead'|'title'|'tr'|'track'|'ul';
attributename = [a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*;
unquotedvalue = [^ \t\r\n\v\f"'=<>`\x00]+;
singlequotedvalue = ['][^'\x00]*['];
doublequotedvalue = ["][^"\x00]*["];
attributevalue = unquotedvalue | singlequotedvalue | doublequotedvalue;
attributevaluespec = spacechar* [=] spacechar* attributevalue;
attribute = spacechar+ attributename attributevaluespec?;
opentag = tagname attribute* spacechar* [/]? [>];
closetag = [/] tagname spacechar* [>];
htmlcomment = "!---->" | ("!--" ([-]? [^\x00>-]) ([-]? [^\x00-])* "-->");
processinginstruction = "?" ([^?>\x00]+ | [?][^>\x00] | [>])* "?>";
declaration = "!" [A-Z]+ spacechar+ [^>\x00]* ">";
cdata = "![CDATA[" ([^\]\x00]+ | "]" [^\]\x00] | "]]" [^>\x00])* "]]>";
htmltag = opentag | closetag | htmlcomment | processinginstruction |
declaration | cdata;
in_parens_nosp = [(] (reg_char|escaped_char|[\\])* [)];
in_double_quotes = ["] (escaped_char|[^"\x00])* ["];
in_single_quotes = ['] (escaped_char|[^'\x00])* ['];
in_parens = [(] (escaped_char|[^)\x00])* [)];
scheme = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.+-]{1,31};
// Try to match a scheme including colon.
bufsize_t _scan_scheme(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
scheme [:] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match URI autolink after first <, returning number of chars matched.
bufsize_t _scan_autolink_uri(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
scheme [:][^\x00-\x20<>]*[>] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match email autolink after first <, returning num of chars matched.
bufsize_t _scan_autolink_email(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[>] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML tag after first <, returning num of chars matched.
bufsize_t _scan_html_tag(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
htmltag { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block tag start line, returning
// an integer code for the type of block (1-6, matching the spec).
// #7 is handled by a separate function, below.
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_start(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
[<] ('script'|'pre'|'style') (spacechar | [>]) { return 1; }
'<!--' { return 2; }
'<?' { return 3; }
'<!' [A-Z] { return 4; }
'<![CDATA[' { return 5; }
[<] [/]? blocktagname (spacechar | [/]? [>]) { return 6; }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block tag start line of type 7, returning
// 7 if successful, 0 if not.
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_start_7(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
[<] (opentag | closetag) [\t\n\f ]* [\r\n] { return 7; }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block end line of type 1
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_end_1(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[^\n\x00]* [<] [/] ('script'|'pre'|'style') [>] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block end line of type 2
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_end_2(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[^\n\x00]* '-->' { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block end line of type 3
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_end_3(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[^\n\x00]* '?>' { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block end line of type 4
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_end_4(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[^\n\x00]* '>' { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match an HTML block end line of type 5
bufsize_t _scan_html_block_end_5(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[^\n\x00]* ']]>' { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Try to match a link title (in single quotes, in double quotes, or
// in parentheses), returning number of chars matched. Allow one
// level of internal nesting (quotes within quotes).
bufsize_t _scan_link_title(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
["] (escaped_char|[^"\x00])* ["] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
['] (escaped_char|[^'\x00])* ['] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
[(] (escaped_char|[^)\x00])* [)] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Match space characters, including newlines.
bufsize_t _scan_spacechars(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *start = p; \
[ \t\v\f\r\n]+ { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Match ATX heading start.
bufsize_t _scan_atx_heading_start(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[#]{1,6} ([ \t]+|[\r\n]) { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Match setext heading line. Return 1 for level-1 heading,
// 2 for level-2, 0 for no match.
bufsize_t _scan_setext_heading_line(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
[=]+ [ \t]* [\r\n] { return 1; }
[-]+ [ \t]* [\r\n] { return 2; }
* { return 0; }
// Scan a thematic break line: "...three or more hyphens, asterisks,
// or underscores on a line by themselves. If you wish, you may use
// spaces between the hyphens or asterisks."
bufsize_t _scan_thematic_break(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
([*][ \t]*){3,} [ \t]* [\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
([_][ \t]*){3,} [ \t]* [\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
([-][ \t]*){3,} [ \t]* [\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Scan an opening code fence.
bufsize_t _scan_open_code_fence(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[`]{3,} / [^`\r\n\x00]*[\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
[~]{3,} / [^\r\n\x00]*[\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Scan a closing code fence with length at least len.
bufsize_t _scan_close_code_fence(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[`]{3,} / [ \t]*[\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
[~]{3,} / [ \t]*[\r\n] { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Scans an entity.
// Returns number of chars matched.
bufsize_t _scan_entity(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
[&] ([#] ([Xx][A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6}|[0-9]{1,7}) |[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,31} ) [;]
{ return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }
// Returns positive value if a URL begins in a way that is potentially
// dangerous, with javascript:, vbscript:, file:, or data:, otherwise 0.
bufsize_t _scan_dangerous_url(const unsigned char *p)
const unsigned char *marker = NULL;
const unsigned char *start = p;
'data:image/' ('png'|'gif'|'jpeg'|'webp') { return 0; }
'javascript:' | 'vbscript:' | 'file:' | 'data:' { return (bufsize_t)(p - start); }
* { return 0; }