# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import random from telethon import events, types, functions, utils def choser(cmd, pack, blacklist={}): docs = None @borg.on(events.NewMessage(pattern=rf'\.{cmd}', outgoing=True)) async def handler(event): await event.delete() nonlocal docs if docs is None: docs = [ utils.get_input_document(x) for x in (await borg(functions.messages.GetStickerSetRequest(types.InputStickerSetShortName(pack)))).documents if x.id not in blacklist ] await event.respond(file=random.choice(docs)) choser('brain', 'supermind') choser('dab', 'DabOnHaters', { 1653974154589768377, 1653974154589768312, 1653974154589767857, 1653974154589768311, 1653974154589767816, 1653974154589767939, 1653974154589767944, 1653974154589767912, 1653974154589767911, 1653974154589767910, 1653974154589767909, 1653974154589767863, 1653974154589767852, 1653974154589768677 })