from collections import defaultdict, deque import re import regex from telethon import events, utils from import types, functions HEADER = "[[sed]]\n" KNOWN_RE_BOTS = re.compile( r'(regex|moku|BananaButler_|rgx|l4mR)bot', flags=re.IGNORECASE ) # Heavily based on # last_msgs = defaultdict(lambda: deque(maxlen=10)) def doit(chat_id, match, original): fr = to = to = to.replace('\\/', '/') try: fl = if fl is None: fl = '' fl = fl[1:] except IndexError: fl = '' # Build Python regex flags count = 1 flags = 0 for f in fl: if f == 'i': flags |= regex.IGNORECASE elif f == 'g': count = 0 else: return None, f"Unknown flag: {f}" def actually_doit(original): try: s = original.message if s.startswith(HEADER): s = s[len(HEADER):] s, i = regex.subn(fr, to, s, count=count, flags=flags) if i > 0: return original, s except Exception as e: return None, f"u dun goofed m8: {str(e)}" return None, None if original is not None: return actually_doit(original) # Try matching the last few messages for original in last_msgs[chat_id]: m, s = actually_doit(original) if s is not None: return m, s return None, None async def group_has_sedbot(group): if isinstance(group, types.InputPeerChannel): full = await borg(functions.channels.GetFullChannelRequest(group)) elif isinstance(group, types.InputPeerChat): full = await borg(functions.messages.GetFullChatRequest(group.chat_id)) else: return False return any(KNOWN_RE_BOTS.match(x.username or '') for x in full.users) @borg.on(events.NewMessage) async def on_message(event): last_msgs[event.chat_id].appendleft(event.message) @borg.on(events.NewMessage( pattern=re.compile(r"^s/((?:\\/|[^/])+)/((?:\\/|[^/])*)(/.*)?"))) async def on_regex(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.is_private and await group_has_sedbot(await event.input_chat): return chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(await event.input_chat) m, s = doit(chat_id, event.pattern_match, await event.reply_message) if m is not None: s = f"{HEADER}{s}" out = await borg.send_message(await event.input_chat, s, last_msgs[chat_id].appendleft(out) elif s is not None: await event.reply(s) raise events.StopPropagation